Monday, March 28, 2005


* After a seminary student passes a class they are eligible to become a grader for that class.

* On the campus there are more than enough students that are qualified to tutor the classes that they passed.

* Plenty of seminary students can use additional income.

* One of the challenges for a seminary student to find outside employment is that it needs to coordinate with their class schedule. It would be easy to coordinate a tutoring schedule with fellow students.

* Besides students the other possible persons that could tutor seminary students include: graduates, pastors, missionaries, retired persons, subject matter experts, and many more.

* There are seminary graduates that are struggling to find livable income from the local church, mission field or church planting. Tutoring could serve as a tent making kind of a trade. This could give them income while they also provide their services to those who cannot afford to pay.

* There are seminary graduates that have a corporate job or own a business. Their need is not financial. But by tutoring it keeps them sharp and involved in meaningful ministry.


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