Monday, March 28, 2005


* Seminary students have challenges with certain subjects.

* When a subject is difficult it is hard to keep up. So a student might fall behind. And then it is more difficult to catch up.

* Usually much more time and energy is spent doing the assignments in the most difficult subjects.

* Frustration, aggravation and depression may be experienced.

* Grades can go from bad to worse.

* The professors can help a little but they are not mandated to tutor the student.

* Most seminary students have very limited funds to hire a tutor.

* Not getting help in a timely fashion can lead to withdrawing from (or flunking) a class.

* Doing poorly (or flunking) a class can harm (or end) a scholarship

* Passing certain classes are required for graduation.

* The understanding of subject matter in class could be required as building blocks for future classes as is teh case with Greek or Hebrew.
Extra struggles in difficult subjects cause stress that spills over into other areas like family, health, ministry, etc.

* Possible subjects for subsidized tutoring might include
academics like:
Greek, Hebrew, theology, church history, etc.

computer skills like:
Word, End Note, Power Point, Bible Works, Accordance

languages like:
English for TOFEL, French & German for PhD

foundational skills like:
research, technical writing, preaching, teaching


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